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Home Page > TGP Analyzer

TGP-Professional Analyzer Software

All of our Virtual Packages and Dedicated servers are equipped with preinstalled TGP-Professional Analyzer Software. This software was specifically designed for TGP Posters to analyze your TGP traffic. By using and getting familiar with Analyzer software you will be truly amazed at how much more efficient and less time consuming analyzing your TGP traffic can be.

Here are some major advantages of our TGP analyzer:

1 Unique and does not have any analog.
2 It analyzes server log files, and does not need to be inserted into your html pages.
3 Full and detailed real-time statistics.
4 It uses very little server resources.
5 Supports unlimited domain names and sub domain names.
6 Automatically calculates click through ratio of your advertisements.
7 Automatically calculates click through ratio of surfer from each particular TGP.
8 Stores statistics of popular search engine requests to you domains.
9 Very user friendly interface with graphical statistics.
10 Saves you time analyzing your work.
11 Can be used to manage your hired posters. Different admin pages for Administrator and Poster.


To view a demo of TGP Analyzer Software
Click Here!
And use Login: demo Pass: demo


To view TGPAnalizer manual please Click Here!

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